Retail Compliance Strategies
Retailers have compliance needs, too! Endeavour has worked extensively to develop and refine compliance and management systems for some of the largest retailers in the U.S. Endeavour offers consulting insights into hazardous waste management; hazardous materials handling and fire code compliance; and air, storm water, wastewater, and spill pollution prevention compliance. The following highlight some of our major projects:
Hazardous Waste Management and Compliance:
Endeavour’s principals oversaw the successful analysis and determination of generator status for more than 150 locations of a major national retail company, and based on the analysis of wastes generated, the subsequent preparation and submittal of requisite hazardous waste biennial reports. For one major retailer, Endeavour’s principals conducted audits of waste designations for hazardous materials and wastes generated at retail facilities across the U.S. to ensure that federal and state hazardous waste codes were properly identified and accounted for in waste profiles, and that waste management methods and requirements were being complied with. Endeavour’s compliance professionals conducted detailed hazardous waste generator inspections for numerous locations of a major nationwide retail chain. Inspections addressed federal and state regulatory requirements for RCRA hazardous and universal waste.
Endeavour also provides focused assistance in hazardous waste determinations for consumer products for both federal RCRA (Resource Recovery and Conservation Act) and state programs (especially California non-RCRA Hazardous Waste). Endeavour is intimately familiar with California’s hazardous waste rules and has worked alongside clients and CUPA personnel to review facility hazardous waste handling processes.
Hazardous Materials Handling/Fire Code Compliance:
Endeavour has worked with numerous clients to develop hazardous materials storage requirements for retail exposures, warehouse or distribution center environments, and hazardous waste storage areas. Endeavour has worked with numerous retail clients to understand the local fire code requirements that apply to a site, and conducted audits of locations to ensure the requirements were met and recommended corrective measures to address issues identified.
Storm Water Compliance:
Endeavour’s compliance experts worked with numerous nationwide retail companies operating distribution centers to assess storm water permit compliance requirements. For sites subject to storm water permit requirements, notices of intent for storm water permit inclusion were prepared along with storm water pollution prevention plans; where sites were not subject to permit requirements, certifications of no exposure were prepared.
Wastewater Compliance:
Endeavour’s compliance experts have worked with numerous retail companies operating photo processing units to evaluate local wastewater permit requirements related to discharge of contaminants ? primarily silver ? from film developing operations. As part of this effort, Endeavour reviewed stores’ procedures for operation and maintenance of silver recovery units to assess the likelihood that practices would result in continuous compliance with wastewater discharge limits.
Spill Pollution Control and Countermeasures Plans:
Endeavour’s principals have worked with numerous retail companies conducting automobile servicing (i.e., oil change) operations to ensure that SPCC plans were current, accurate, and compliant with regulatory requirements. Endeavour has also worked with retail distribution centers to develop SPCC plans for stored petroleum products at these locations. Endeavour has provided SPCC program training to clients seeking to train both facility employees and compliance auditors.