Environmental, Health, and Safety Compliance

Endeavour offers a no-nonsense approach to environmental, health, and safety (EHS) compliance consulting that focuses on the best possible outcome for their clients. Effective, flexible management-level consulting from Endeavour eliminates the overhead of the slow-moving, ?everything to everyone? major EHS consultancies. In some situations, a major firm may provide ?bench strength,? but this strength is often comprised of staff members with 2-3 years of experience in compliance matters. Endeavour provides staff with proven experience in addressing compliance issues at the facility level, working with state and federal regulators on compliance issues, and assisting in the development, evaluation, and auditing of corporate compliance programs.

Compliance Auditing

The core of Endeavour’s EHS compliance practice is our skill in auditing. Endeavour’s principals have conducted extensive EHS compliance audits and management systems assessments for industrial clients around the world, both as a leader for internal corporate audit teams or as stand-alone external auditors. Endeavour’s audit process follows a risk-based approach.

Management System Risk Assessments

Endeavour has worked extensively with clients to perform risk assessments of current systems to manage environmental, health, and safety risks. As required by Sarbanes-Oxley, more companies are coming to grasp that EHS compliance liabilities are true balance sheet liabilities. Endeavour has developed a system for assessing the overall risk to a corporate client of non-compliance issues from all operations. Endeavour has successfully implemented risk assessments for a range of clients.

Compliance Program Development

Working with our clients, Endeavour has developed management systems for environmental, health and safety, and process safety compliance and best practices. Whether from the ground up or simply improving existing programs, Endeavour has worked with clients to develop written programs for compliance and worked to put those programs into action. Endeavour has successfully developed programs in a range of industries and working with a broad variety of clients.

EHS Compliance Outsourcing

Endeavour currently works with several clients to provide comprehensive EHS compliance support. In this role, Endeavour provides all compliance needs for facilities located in Oregon, Washington, and California where corporate professionals are not able to devote resources to visit (e.g., complete site audits), to develop programs, or to conduct training. Endeavour completes all required agency submissions, contacts solid and hazardous waste haulers for collection of wastes, reviews shipping documentation for waste and hazardous materials shipments, and provides facility employees with training on crucial EHS matters.

Endeavour’s approach to outsourced environmental services provides a cost-effective solution to facilities unwilling to hire a full-time environmental compliance coordinator for their operations. Endeavour’s professional experience in health & safety matters provides an effective adjunct to a human resources manager tasked with safety recordkeeping and other programs. Endeavour’s overall flexibility and client-focused approach provides clients with service dedicated to their success.

Compliance Projects: Air Permitting

Endeavour’s managing principal has completed hundreds of air permitting projects for clients throughout the US. Endeavour’s primary service lies in the completion of construction permits and minor modifications to Title V air permits. Endeavour works with skilled subcontractors on larger air permitting opportunities.

Endeavour is also working with clients in the development of greenhouse gas (GHG) or carbon inventories to meet reporting requirements in several states where Title V sources are required to complete GHG inventories. Endeavour has worked extensively in inventory projects of various kinds.

Compliance Projects: Storm Water Permitting and Pollution Prevention Plans

Endeavour has worked with many clients to develop storm water permits for new and existing operations as well as construction projects. Endeavour has filed numerous notices of intent (NOI) as well as formulating approaches to No Exposure Certification (NEC) submissions.

Endeavour has developed Storm Water Pollution Prevention (or Control) Plans for facilities throughout the US. Endeavour has created template plans and programs for numerous clients. Endeavour has assisted clients with training employees in the requirements of SWPPP (SWPCP) and the implementation of best management practices for storm water pollution control.

Compliance Projects: Tier II Inventory and HMBP Completion

Endeavour is experienced in working with California CUPAs on the completion of Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBP) for facilities in that state. Endeavour has also worked extensively with the Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) on the submission of Hazardous Substance Inventory System (HSIS) reports. Endeavour has been responsible for nationwide assessments of Tier II inventory compliance under voluntary audit programs for several telecommunications company. Endeavour understands the applicable state reporting requirements under EPCRA.

Compliance Projects: Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Form R/A Completion

Endeavour has completed, reviewed, and managed the submission of many Toxic Release Inventory (TRI ? EPCRA 313) reports for clients in a number of industries. Endeavour has worked with clients to understand their reporting requirements and develop submittals for the TRI program.

Endeavour has also completed a number of specialty audits for TRI conformance, focusing on clients’ submissions to the EPA. Endeavour evaluates such submissions for data accuracy and completeness ? especially as concerns the submission of inventories for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic materials.

Compliance Projects: SPCC Planning

Endeavour works with clients to develop spill prevention, control, and countermeasures plans. Endeavour’s founding principal, Dave Einolf, is considered an expert on the implementation of the SPCC rule and its application to storage tanks for emergency generators. Endeavour has worked with a broad range of clients, including telecommunications firms, utilities, and manufacturers to develop SPCC plans and implement training for such plans.

Endeavour has also performed detailed SPCC program inspections and targeted audits of implementation of SPCC plans for a range of facilities, including retail and distribution facilities; automotive services facilities; and equipment rental providers.